Live tracking breaks the Arbor Editor.

Here is a forum for reporting failure to Arbor developer.
Please read the forum rules carefully and enter the information necessary to confirm the problem.

  • Please read the "Update Guide" carefully when updating Arbor.
  • The bugs that we already know are summarized in "Known Issues", so please check once.
  • Please check ReleaseNote and use the latest version if possible before reporting a bug.
  • Unity beta and alpha versions are not supported. Please use the official release version.
  • In principle, defects caused by the introduction of other assets are not supported. If you find a defect, please report it after isolating which asset is the problem.


  • Arborを更新する際は「アップデートガイド」をよく読み行ってください。
  • 既に把握している不具合は「既知の問題」にまとめてありますので一度確認してみてください。
  • 不具合報告をする前にReleaseNoteを確認し、なるべく最新バージョンを使用して下さい。
  • Unityのベータ版およびアルファ版はサポート対象外です。正式リリース版をご利用ください。
  • 他アセット導入による不具合は原則サポート対象外です。不具合を見つけた場合はどのアセットの問題であるか切り分けた上でのご報告をお願いいたします。

Forum rules
The items necessary for reporting are as follows.
  • OS(Required)
  • Unity version(Required)
  • Arbor version(Required)
  • How to reproduce(Required)
    The reproduction method should be described accurately so that anyone can read the same procedure.
    If you do not know the exact reproduction procedure, as long as you can remember it, so please tell us what you were doing immediately before and the last time you edited it.
  • Build platform
  • Reproduction project (Minimum configuration not including Arbor and other assets) or video

  • Please read the "Update Guide" carefully when updating Arbor.
  • The bugs that we already know are summarized in "Known Issues", so please check once.
  • Please check ReleaseNote and use the latest version if possible before reporting a bug.
  • Unity beta and alpha versions are not supported. Please use the official release version.
  • In principle, defects caused by the introduction of other assets are not supported. If you find a defect, please report it after isolating which asset is the problem.

  • OS(必須)
  • Unityバージョン(必須)
  • Arborバージョン(必須)
  • 再現方法(必須)
  • ビルドプラットフォーム
  • 再現プロジェクト(Arborや他アセットなどを含まない最小構成)もしくは動画

  • Arborを更新する際は「アップデートガイド」をよく読み行ってください。
  • 既に把握している不具合は「既知の問題」にまとめてありますので一度確認してみてください。
  • 不具合報告をする前にReleaseNoteを確認し、なるべく最新バージョンを使用して下さい。
  • Unityのベータ版およびアルファ版はサポート対象外です。正式リリース版をご利用ください。
  • 他アセット導入による不具合は原則サポート対象外です。不具合を見つけた場合はどのアセットの問題であるか切り分けた上でのご報告をお願いいたします。
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Joined: 2023/04/20 09:01

Live tracking breaks the Arbor Editor.

Post by Joeyvrowl »

Windows 10 (tested on two different machines)

Unity version

Arbor version

Build platform

How to reproduce (also see SampleScene from attached project)
1. Make an FSM with a state and a behaviour (for instance, time transition that transitions to itself)
2. Make sure the Arbor Editor and Game windows are on the same row of tabs (so you can only see one or the other, not both at once)
3. Make sure the Arbor Editor is open with the FSM in it
4. Make sure Live Tracking is enabled
5. Press play so it goes to Game view
6. Go back to Arbor Editor

Sometimes you need to do this a few times before it breaks, but usually the first time.

You should see a list of errors in the console called "Pixels per point should be positive", from several sources in Arbor. The more states/behaviours, the more errors, probably one error per UI element. The state window is now empty, although parameters on the left are still visible. You need to restart Unity to fix it.

The stacktrace of each error differs depending on the UI element it was drawing, but here is an example:

Code: Select all

Pixels per point should be positive
UnityEditor.EditorGUI:DefaultPropertyField (UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)
UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableListWrapper:DrawChildren (UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.EventType)
UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableListWrapper:Draw (UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,string,bool)
UnityEditor.Editor:DrawDefaultInspector ()
ArborEditor.NodeBehaviourDefaultEditor:OnInspectorGUI () (at Packages/vrowl-fsm/Editor/Arbor/NodeBehaviourDefaultEditor.cs:17)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement/<>c__DisplayClass59_0:<CreateIMGUIInspectorFromEditor>b__0 ()
ArborEditor.BehaviourEditorGUI/<>c__DisplayClass74_1:<CreateInspectorGUIElement>b__0 () (at Packages/vrowl-fsm/Editor/Arbor/BehaviourEditorGUI.cs:666)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Liveview bug repro
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Re: Live tracking breaks the Arbor Editor.

Post by caitsithware »

Thank you for your report.
I was able to reproduce it, so I will fix it.

Temporary workaround
  1. Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Editor/Windows/ArborEditorWindow.cs in code editor
  2. Change line 678 as follows

    Code: Select all

    if (_GraphView.isLayoutSetup && _IsUpdateLiveTracking)
If you apply this measure while this problem is occurring, please also restart Unity.
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