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x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/11 20:52
by IgorAherne

Usually, "stateBehaviors" are hidden away, and are not seen in "Inspector" of a gameObject.
But, now I can see the scripts!
  • Using Unity3D 5.6.2
    Using Unity Collab
    There are no errors in console right now
Also, why is there two same scripts attached to my gameObject?
I have "Abilities FSM" (doesn't have these scripts) and "Nav FSM" (has these scripts, on states).
Can I delete the duplicates? Or are they used?

Here is a screenshot of the "Nav FSM":

Thank you!

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/11 21:28
by IgorAherne

I removed all visible behaviors and FSM still works (it's nodes still show StateBehaviors)

Just curious why it creates extra component copies. Maybe it will create a component-clone and I will never know, because it's hidden form "Inspector"? So I would have a not-used Monobehavior hidden on my GameObject (resulting in pollution)


Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/11 22:51
by caitsithware
I will investigate.

Do you remember what you did last minute?
For example, did you Apply that prefab?

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/14 20:55
by Igor
Currently, just notice them after starting Unity

They don't always appear, - I think it occurs when I set-up "States" and "StateBehaviors", 'save' and come back to Unity next day

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/14 20:57
by Igor
They never show in inspector when looking at a prefab.
But they appear on an instance, after I drag-drop prefab into scene

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/14 20:58
by Igor
Even if I remove them (they are disabled components) and apply to prefab, - if I instantiate prefab in scene, they show up

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/14 21:04
by Igor
I have two FSM machines on the gameObject, but with different names :)

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/14 21:06
by Igor

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/15 01:05
by caitsithware
I can't reproduce it, but maybe the reference of StateMachine is broken.

I temporarily created a repair script.
(1.75 KiB) Downloaded 641 times
The export environment of this unitypackage:
  • Unity 5.6.2f1
  • Arbor 2.1.4
After import this unitypackage, select the prefab that might be broken, please run a menu of Tools > Arbor > Repair.

If the reference is broken, the following warning message is output to the Console.
(If reference is normal, no warning is output and only Cheking message is output)
ArborRepairLog.png (35.41 KiB) Viewed 11158 times
If it is repaired (warning message was output) try again instantiating prefab.

Re: x2 stateBehavior scripts on a gameObject

Posted: 2017/07/15 17:53
by igor
Selecting prefab, using the Repair tool produces this:

Code: Select all

ArborRepair : Checking invalid zombie_common_abilTesting_Blen (2) (ArborFSM_namespace.ArborFSM) "Abilities FSM" StateMachine reference
ArborRepair : Checking invalid zombie_common_abilTesting_Blen (2) (ArborFSM_namespace.ArborFSM) "Nav FSM" StateMachine reference.
No errors or warnings are outputted.

Instantiating prefab in scene produces the same problem :/

Selecting instance, using the Repair tool produces same messages (no warnings or errors)

If I move the instance in scene, then click ctrl+z, this brings it to original position and scripts don't show up on the instance anymore (they hide away)