When starting game, FSMInternal invokes state.EnableState( true,true );
It in turn, calls behaviour.OnStateAwake()
and behaviour.OnStateBegin();
I have script on first state. It always gets OnStateAwake() + OnStateBegin() during FSMInternal.Start()
My script has [SerializeField] GameObject[] prefabArray;
On first frame, I get exception from the script - it has empty array, because it was enabled during OnStateBegin()
Unity didn't have time yet to load array with data
Next frame, unity serialized the array with prefabs, and everything is ok
FSM Start() behavior array-serialization bug
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- Arbor version(Required)
- How to reproduce(Required)
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- In principle, defects caused by the introduction of other assets are not supported. If you find a defect, please report it after isolating which asset is the problem.
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- caitsithware
- 管理人
- Posts: 503
- Joined: 2015/08/17 12:41
Re: FSM Start() behavior array-serialization bug
I checked the behavior of the problem, but I could not reproduce it.
Checking environment:
Unity 5.6.2f1
Arbor 2.1.2
Method for checking:
I checked the behavior of the problem, but I could not reproduce it.
Checking environment:
Unity 5.6.2f1
Arbor 2.1.2
Method for checking:
- Create a new project with Unity 5.6.2f1.
- Imported Arbor 2.1.2.
- Create script below.
Code: Select all
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using Arbor; public class TestStartSerialize : StateBehaviour { [SerializeField] List<GameObject> prefabs; // Use this for enter state public override void OnStateBegin() { if (prefabs != null) { Debug.Log("OnStateBegin : " + prefabs.Count); } else { Debug.LogError("OnStateBegin : prefabs is null"); } } }
- Attach & set to Start state and execute.
Re: FSM Start() behavior array-serialization bug
Thank you!
I've solved the problem
It was because I had 2 FSM with same names "myAbilitiesFSM"
I've solved the problem
It was because I had 2 FSM with same names "myAbilitiesFSM"